Thursday, May 28, 2009

What a day!

Both kids have been sick so it has been a busy day for mommy. Lukie woke up this morning with a fever and vomiting but he is such a clown that in the midst of it all he never ceases to make me laugh and then off to the doctor we went and waited forever. Lydia had it first and then Luke, they sure like to share the things we don't want them to share,like viruses, and keeping them apart is something you just cannot do, they like to follow each other around and get on each other's nerves and my Well, so much for that I am definitely needing a vacation right now from work, housework, well just life, I guess. Anyone else ever feel that way. Well, I guess we all have our days. I am starting to realize that my babies are growing up and it makes me sad. My baby, Luke, turns the big 2 on Tuesday. They grow up way to fast that is why it is important to enjoy every minute you can with them. I do wish that work did not take me away from them so much, but I am so glad that family watches them when I have to work. I owe it all to my Mom.. She is mamaw, babysitter, chaufer, you name it. Well, I have to go..Pray that everyone here is well soon!! TTYL

Monday, May 25, 2009

Yes, I am still here.. lol

Here is some more pics of my babies and I will put more on her as well. I have some pictures of Easter on here and of the kids at my sister-in-law's wedding. My daughter was the flower girl!! She did a great job!! I also have pictures of my sister's baby shower that I am going to put on here. Well, it is late and I need to be getting to bed, since I have to work in the morning. I will try and blog tomorrow!


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Wow! It was a great Christmas but very busy!

We definitely enjoyed Christmas and the kids had a blast. It was very busy for me and I am very sorry I have not kept up with this, when you work at a catalog company during Christmas time it gets very crazy. Anyway, my son is sick today so I have been taking care of him, poor thing, running a fever and congested. Lydia was so excited when she opened what she calls a Indo DS (translated a Nintendo DS) and we got her a bike for Christmas as well she is just learning to ride we even had one day of 70 degree weather after Christmas and Andy took her riding. She fell a few times. I do have pictures, especially of Christmas that I need to post. Maybe I will try and do that tonight.. Gotta go check on my little sick one. I will be back later.


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Yeah!! Today was my Friday.

I am off the next 2 days and am trying to plan a birthday party for Lydia. She will be 5 next week. I keep saying we will have a party and have her friends come over and play games but she wants to go to "Burger King". So I guess that is the final answer. : ) It has been good to see comments from some of my friends from school and wish that I could have went to Cincinnati to see everyone. I have went to pick up my brother, Caleb, after I got off work today so that he could spend the evening with me. I have not got to spend much time with them lately. I am surprised they still want to come and hang out with me. : ) I guess I am not to boring.. lol. Well, I really need to put more pictures on this blog. My sister is outdoing me.. lol I will blog a little more later. Bye for now!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

November 11, 2008

Well, thank goodness! I am off tomorrow. I have a million things to do and will only get a few done. My daughter is in pre-school now and loving every minute. She was just a few months shy of being able to go to kindergarten so I thought I better go ahead and get her started into pre-K. I cried the first time, I dropped her off. Well, has anyone else had time to Christmas shop. Not me, and I want to so bad. I also have my daughters Birthday to shop for this month. Gives me an excuse to buy clothes too and what is a chew chew doll. I am not even really sure that is what it is called but that is what she calls it! My daughter wants some doll that grows teeth. Lol! Go figure! The things they come up with these days! At least she is not asking for a computer and digital camera like she asked for last year. At 5 years old! Boy am I in trouble. Lol. Also, my kids have a ton of toys but it is pretty bad when your 17 month old boy is pushing around a barbie car. It is time to buy a Tonka Truck, at least that is what daddy says. Lol! Well, I hope to get into the Christmas spirit but when you work retail sometimes it is hard to do! It will be here before we know it! I am glad to see some of you have responded. I miss everyone as well! I will try and add more pictures soon. I have to get alot of them off of my camera. I am so bad about that! Well, I have to go for now since the kids are in bed, I need to get a few things done while I can.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Back again!

I am currently at my mother's house waiting to go back to church for choir practice. My son is taking his scheduled nap. He is so good about going to sleep, and he loves to take naps at mama's house. He is learning to say alot of different words and is happy most of the time, but sissy and him are fighting the older he gets. Mommy has to discipline but it is so funny to watch sometimes. Well, I am going to go and get everyone ready for church. I will blog a little more later.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Today November 9th

Yes! It is me, Sonya. I have finally joined the world of blogging. To all of my friends, that I have not kept in touch with all of this time, it has hit me that my life is just flying by and I do not do much of anything besides take care of my 2 wonderful children and my husband. Plus work , work, work. For all of you that have been wondering what I have been up to. My husband, Andy and I have been married 5 years and have a 4 year old girl and a 17 month old boy that keep me busy along with my job. Everyone has been talking to me about getting a blog and keeping in touch with everyone. I will be posting some pictures as soon as I can so stay tuned.